Monday, June 22, 2009

Today's topic. Biggest Pet Peeve.

What is your biggest Pet Peeve.
I will come up with a weekly topic but Remember you do not have to blog about the topic. Post about anything. Rant on Fellow anonymous!


  1. My biggest pet peeve is bad drivers! I am particularily irked by ones that drive under the speed limit in the fast lane and ones that are doing the same and are on their phones at the same time! Idiots!

  2. People who bitch and moan because I bust my ass to get my work done and they have to stay late! It's not my fault you spend the first 2 hours of the day drinking coffee and catching up on gossip. And don't expect that I'll stay around to help.

  3. People who are consistently late. I understand things happen once in a while, but when it happens all time it just shows how selfish you are. My time is important too. I schedule my day to meet when we planned. Making me wait shows how little you think of me.

  4. People who don't follow through. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Is it that hard?!?

  5. People.....actually that about covers it

  6. when blogs just up and disappear! what happened to the mckdrama blog??? so sad! :(

  7. MCKMAMA and the way she uses people to get what she wants when her child is sick but she drives a fancy car and lives in a house by the lake!

  8. a recent pet peeve is when people who are parents assume I can pick up all the slack at work and such because I don't have children.....Why should I be penalized because they have kids? I have a life just doesn't involve dirty diapers

  9. I agree with ANON @ 5:24! I get all the shitty shifts through the summer because I dont have kids running here and there. I had to work every single weekend in June and that sucks when you have just turned 21 and finally able to have a real life.

  10. checking to see more pet peeves and no new ones :(

  11. Gum smackers and ice crunchers. Ugh. I cringe just thnking about it.


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