I will post a topic each week (just incase you have nothing to rant about) Please remember that you do not have to post about the topic. This is a place for you to let it out nomatter what "IT" happens to be. So....
Rant away fellow Anonymously Me's....
Why would my cat chose a WHITE rug for her first "accident" in 4 years?
ReplyDeleteI'm depressed. I don't want to see my family or my friends. The only one I want to see just married someone else. I was depressed before that, but that didn't help. The only therapist I trust is an hour away. I can't even talk myself into making that phone call. My life is really a disaster right now.
ReplyDeleteAt my job, my bosses daughter works there also. She is married and has kids. Since her dad does the scheduling she gets whatever she wants and whenever she wants it. It wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't sleeping around with one of the guys in our office also. She takes a bunch of shifts every month and then gives about half of them away. I am done picking them up for her, because that really pisses me off!!!
ReplyDeleteI am LOVING THIS! I want to know why everyone thinks it is my job to be everything to everyone. I am so tired and I cannot get a break for the life of me! I wanna give up but I know nothing will get done if I do. I would really like a break for a day! Just one! Is that too much to ask?
ReplyDeleteMy guy after 5 years and 2 kids later still has not talked of marriage! He slides around the issue over and over again! Everyone around us keeps getting married, he is an ASS! Today he tells me he is going to buy a $2000 road bike, but yet we are broke! We can't afford air conditioning, he can't afford a ring, he can't afford anything supposedly. But a road bike, he can afford because according to him, it will save on gas! He is an ASS! Nuff said!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea. I took a new job a few months ago, took a huge pay cut because my work is based on sales. I work so hard, try so hard and my bonuses just aren't coming. I need to make some money!!
ReplyDeleteMy step-kids drive me crazy! I love my husband, but his kids are the most naughty little creatures. I really hope I can learn to bond with them. I feel terrible for feeling this way. My husband knows how I feel too.
ReplyDeleteEven though being sexually abused as a child was not my fault, I feel a sense of shame. I want to speak out and tell my story, but I'm afraid people will feel sorry for me. I'm also afraid they'll be disgusted, knowing what I've been through. I'm also afraid they won't believe me, even though I don't want the attention for myself at all, I want it for the children still going through this, so things can change -- for them. So that when they speak out, they won't feel alone.
ReplyDeleteThere are children in the world, not just in a far away land, but in your country, your city, your neighborhood, going through this right now, and they can't find their own voice either.
I am going to change that.
I am determined to change that.
But I'm afraid I'll fail.
im sick of "im pregnant" is an excuse to be a bitch. i guess i'll just show up to your kids bday w/o a present bc you said he doesn't want or need anything. of course a 3 yr old wants something. but then again, when this parents dont work and thier momy and daddy pays for everything you can get whatever your little 3 yr old heart desires. i hate rich white trash people. why am i still friends with her?!?
ReplyDeleteI really don't like my stepdaughter. If Veruca Salt and Mady Gosselin had a kid, it would be her.
ReplyDelete7:57 am poster - You don't sound like someone to feel sorry for. You sound like a hero trying to find her way into the world. Praying for you that you find the right path for you.
ReplyDeleteMy rant: We are BROKE and I am sick of counting change to put gas in the car, sick of trying to feed a family of five plus three daycare kids on $80/week. Sick of telling my kids no because the money isn't there. Sick, sick, sick.
I am annoyed that I am getting no cooperation from my husband lately. I am having to do everything by myself and they are not only my children. I need help and am getting more and more depressed about everything. What can I do to make him see that I need more help with the kids and the house or I am literally going to go crazy? Telling him obvously is not the answer so what is? I am so Mentally and physically tired.
ReplyDeleteI do everything for my friends.
ReplyDeleteI go out of my way for them many many times. Why is it that I can do for them and noone does anything for me?
I give to them and their children and am never a priority for them.
Why can't I stop being so gullable?
Am I really that pathetic?
I have been denying my ex visitation because he has been drinking and driving with the kids in the car. He doesn't make them wear their seatblets. He says horrible things about me and my family to the kids that isn't true and then he had my 10 year old daughter listen to a George Carlin routine on the deffinition of the "F" word. All of this while he is getting hundreds of Ambien pills a year (which he says that he buys but doesn't take) Can you believe that now the court is talking about taking away my custody and giving it to him because I denied visitation for my own kids safety?!? This is no longer a nation under God. This is a satan controlled nation!
ReplyDeleteBasically I'm just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm tired of people who think because you dont agree with them you're against them, or better yet~ that i'm wrong. There are two sides to every story, wise up!
ReplyDeleteI'm sick of my DH who thinks that because he has health issues he doesnt have to pick up and do his share in our house and with our kids! It took us BOTH to make them, it takes both of us to raise and care for them!
I'm sick of the economy being so crappy that I have to decide which bills to pay each month! One nation under God my A$$! Oh, and I'm sick of people who judge me for doing what we can for our family, even if it is applying for assistance! It's not MY FAULT you dont qualify.
Enough of a rant, but I did want to say to the PP (7:57) about the abuse, I think you're amazing. My 15 year old was abused as well, and although she doesnt remember, I know first hand it isnt your fault! No one should feel disgusted with you for speaking out!
To the PP about your kids safety, How ridiculous! Keep keeping your kids safe, you're doing the right thing! Sorry and HUGS to you!
I am irritated with my husband. I bend over backwards so everyone else in my family has EVERYTHING they could want and I don't even have money or time to do anything for myself. I wear the same old clothes. I don't spend money on me. Then my husband proceeds to text and see at least a couple of other girls. But he's not sleeping iwth them, so I am over-reacting?! PUH-LEASE! Hoping if I give him a chance he can make it up. Doubting him, but trusting Him.
ReplyDeleteWhen is my sister going to realize that she needs to take care of HER fmaily? She is the mom!! Not me!!!! I'm tired of picking up all the shattered pieces of her life, I need to focus on my own. You had them figure out how to care for them. I get all the love and support I do because I chose not to screw people over, if someone does something for me I do something for them. Oh and if you have no money to pay rent then you need to find a different place to live, and if you like where you live dear sister than you need to get a job while your husband is home to care for the kids or your husband needs to get a second job to support you all. I can't keep giving you money when you are short!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am tired of playing monkey in the middle with you and our other siblings too. I am done!!! Oh and quit neglecting your kids, wipe their face, change a diaper, don't leave them alone to run errands with a step child who is way to young not only age wise but maturity wise too!!! And stop thinking that your husband is going to get a job at this church if you keep doing everything, did you ever think that people wonder what you do with your kids when you are doing these things? Why are you paying another girl to watch your kids with money you don't have so you can keep doing stuff for them, you can't do everything. I am appalled (and this is sure to give me away to you) that you chose to go to choir practice over going to your son's preschool graduation, to me that is low.
Im tired of worrying about money. having to rob peter to pay paul. having to pretend its not as bad as it is,so that my hubby doesnt feel bad. or not letting fmaily know so they wont worry about us. having to tell my kids NO on so many things, then buying then something because I feel like I am not providing well enough for them. Them just feeling guilty, for feeling depressed over money, because so many people have so much less then us. and I cant seem to be happy with what God gave us. I feel like a terrible person, who cant apreciate the plain salad they have, becuase Im to busy missing the croutons and "good" salad dressing I once had... :(
ReplyDeleteMy huband drives me nuts he critizes everything I do and he thinks he is a frickin MD he's not. He picks on the kids and picks fights with a 5 year old to only scream "im the parent you will listen" its getting really old, Sometimes I wish he would go away. Sometimes I even dream of what divorce would be like. I just want things to get back to the wa there were but i dont see that happening.
ReplyDeletei feel like a bad mom. I see friends longing to have kids, and here I have three. I get so annoyed and don't feel like I am enjoying them at all. I just lack Joy.
ReplyDeleteBe careful with all of this..... cynthia-the crazy blogaholic who had like 5 blogs going at one time tried to do a cofessions post and it turned into serious drama. She has since shut down lots of her blogs... BUT for a good laugh and to see another blogger who has lied-check out fakingintherain.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteWe thought April Rose was the only scammer.... Cynthia is as well!
Anon 12:04 AM - "He's Just Not That Into You."
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 11:34 - I'm so sorry you lack joy. I don't have kids and for a long time wanted them. I think people romanticize it. Having kids is a tough job and admire those who can do it with grace. I know I could not do it. Cheers to you, lady.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a confession post but a confession blog. As long as it is civil Posts will remain. Name calling and bashing will not be allowed though so be nice to others and please rant and get it off your chest!
ReplyDeleteSomedays I think life is going by way too fast and I have so much more I want to accomplish. Other days I feel done and want to end it all. One day I'll make a final decision.
ReplyDeleteI am seriously tired of doing all of the dishes and all of the laundry and having to cook and clean, after working every day. He isn't even working!! What the crap does he do all day???
ReplyDeleteI'm also realllll tired of dealing with his sister. she needs to grow up and get her own life. make some friends! i don't care, i just don't want to see her face alllll the time and deal with her stupid questions.
And lastly, for now, :)
I am praying that my sister's wedding goes off without a hitch this weekend. So many things have already gone wrong and everyone is so far away from home, if something goes wrong it could be really disastrous.
Phew. Better.
Oh yay! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteIn the last 48 hours I have not slept, woke to my boyfriend of 10 years packed and gone with not so much as a "see ya", realized that a woman who has stalked me for 3 years is the culprit, had my bank account cleaned out, realized that means no vodka martinis, been horrifically betrayed by a now-ex friend, have isolated everyone, been too wrapped up in the bash mckmama blog... and still no vodka martini.
Whew! There's bunches more but that's the gist.
I have to say... I feel a bit better. Thanks again!
Anon 2:30 PM - I am so sorry. (((HUGS)))
ReplyDeleteDearest Mod:
ReplyDeleteYou know who you are! So do I but that's beside the point! Thanks for this blog, after ranting and raving earlier, I feel so much better (stress free)! Well maybe not completely stress free but free enough that I wasnt so cross with the kids or DH this afternoon! Maybe you're on to something here. I surely hope so! Thanks again :)
I think I am going to hibernate for a few days or so. Noone seems to have time for me, not even my husband. I can't do everything alone and I am going to stop trying. I am so drained that I have lost who I am. All I want to do is sit and cry but that would do no good since I am sure noone would care. I am Mom, Dad, Maid, Short Order cook, Taxi, Babysitter, Nurse, Secretary. Noone has noticed that I am depressed and I am not thriving, I am barely surviving. I am a robot on auto-pilot but my batteries are nearly drained.
ReplyDeleteOh darlin'. Hire a sitter right now and go away this weekend. Even if it's to your local motel. Breathe, turn off the phone, zone out and just BE. Do not ask them...ANNOUNCE it.
I was raised ultra-conservative and strongly Christian, but I'm bisexual. No one knows except my hubby. My family would literally disown me if they knew who I really was. I'm ashamed and disgusted with myself, but can't seem to stop thinking about being with women. I hate myself and don't feel like I deserve my husband or kids. They deserve better. I'm an emotional mess and am drowning it with alcohol and sex.
ReplyDeleteSame poster here as the previous comment...
ReplyDeleteBecause of all this confusion with my sexuality, I've really been questioning my faith. I swing between feeling like I'm going to hell and even wondering if hell exists. I didn't choose this. So why would God make me this way if it's so wrong? Maybe it's punishment for not being a good Christian. Or maybe it's just who I am, and maybe God doesn't really exist. I thought I had life figured out, but now I'm so confused...
i always want what i can't have. why can't i be happy with what i do have. why do people who don't deserve it get everything.
ReplyDeleteOk I'm sick and tired of "friends" being needy, clingy and not understanding that life happens and that I can't always pick up the phone or answer messages every single time they beckon. Kids are a priority, not answering every text message you send! I wasnt aware to taking on two more kids when my friendships with these people started!!!! Come on people, really, grow the hell up. STOP SENDING MESSAGES "are you mad at me?" what is this? High School???
ReplyDeleteWhen do I get my "ME" time? My dh has "ME" time all the time! I am at home with the kids from sun up till sun down and I just want to know when do I get my time. If I dare sit down to type on the computer, chat on the phone, read a book, nap, anything for that matter my dh gets angry that I am ignoring the family and acts put out because he has to actually do something, like maybe watch HIS kids. When did being married actually mean being a single parent? Did i miss the memo? Help!
ReplyDeleteanon 1:36 am I don't know because I have the SAME problem. So when you figure is out let me know or anyone else have any suggestions?? ok Since I cannot do it out loud I am going to cyber scream here. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ok I do feel a little better (not as good as a real scream but close!)
ReplyDeleteI am tired of being expected to be everything to everyone. My husband thinks that because he is in a different city for the next 6 weeks and doesn't get to come home that he deserves a pity party. Who is cooking, cleaning, managing temper tantrums, doctors appt., all the loan paperwork on the new house, doing my school work and working full time? He expects sympathy because he doesn't get to see his kids but I don't get any compassion or understanding in return. He expects me to drop everything at work to take care of his sh**. I don't have any friends because he doesn't like me out "galvanting around" as he calls it. My only friends are here in blog world. I am fed up. I love him but he needs to change and wake up to the fact that he is slowly driving me away.
ReplyDeleteMy rant is not one of personal disappointment or disgust with my s/o, children or work, but more along the lines of general observations I've made by reading various blogs and human nature.
ReplyDeleteI find it ridiculously funny that so many women find time, especially the SAHM with multiple kids, to not only keep up blogs of their own, but to read others, comment, snipe, critique and cast doubt regarding the other blogs and their authors! Insanity!
I work full time, have grown children and even I don't have enough time in the day to monitor a blog of my own. I enjoy reading a few others, from time to time, but rarely comment. My opinion is that the blog has taken on the forum of what was "gossip" and "notes passing in class" of long-gone high school days. This habit will never go away, but just changes forms, I suppose. Believe me, pre-teen and teen girls perpetuate this behavior on their own blogs and via text messaging just like my own mom did in the 60's gossiping over the fence to the neighbor while hanging out wash!
Now these supposed busy moms have the anonimity of the web and other electronic means to spread gossip, braggadocio, recipes, and criticism of another person's parenting and lifestyle without ever having a face to face meeting or conversation. It's a crying shame (and even more vile) this ability to have a much wider audience via the web has simply amplified the opportunity to continue to distribute ill feelings, jealousy, and doubt.
Sorry, but I even have a problem with the "do-gooder" blogger who feels compelled to "brag" about their good works and post photos and video to "prove what a good Christian" they are. That is just pathetic!
Guilty are the ones who must point out their own good qualities to others and guilty are the ones who feel they must question the validity of the do-gooder's work!
If we are good in our hearts, actions, and deeds, only one person needs to know....well, really two...YOURSELF and God! No need to shout it to the world! Simply be satified with yourself and knowing you are right with God. Anything wrong with that? Being satisfied with a simple thank you from the recipient of one's good work should be satisfaction, in my opinion. No need to chronicle it in a montage of photos or bask in the glory of hundreds of responses to a blog!
My rant is not to bash anyone, but to point out my observations and dislike of the negative behavior and responses of good people gone bad. It is unfortunate that the internet has become a breeding ground of hate, lies, jealousy and greed. Intentionally or unintentionally, it is a sad use of what simply used to be an informational and communication device.
Sorry if I didn't quite follow the topic of this supposed blog, but I really wanted to get my feelings off my chest and this was the one forum I thought met the criteria of a general rant about life, etc.
hmmmm I can't help but think that after the post above venting about fellow bloggers, people are afraid to just come here and scream. I dont agree with alot of the thing's she's said, but some of what she's said is true. But like anything else, it's her opinion, and she's entitled to that.
ReplyDeleteAs for a vent or scream today, I dont have one. I'm just very sad that this weekend is upon us. So i'd appreciate thoughts and prayers, even if I am "anonomous"!
Thanks, and have a wonderful day! Hope its sun shiny where you are!
The post above yours is actually not talking about this blog but a few others. Still feel free to rant away here! Oh and by all means if you have something helpful to say to a fellow poster or an encouraging word please post that too as I know People come back and I know often just seeing someoone say that have the same problem helps us feel better and less alone.
ReplyDeleteI find myself understanding things I never could before...
ReplyDeleteI understand why people would want to drink excessively in an effort to just forget for a little while.
I understand why people turn to drugs for an escape.
I understand why people see suicide as a real option.
I understand why people end up weighing 500 pounds and are stuck in bed....I even envy it at times.
I just don't understand how to stop myself from joining them.
Hey Mod, I knew that :) But I also found it strange that there hadnt been a comment in a while (actually I'm wrong, I thought it was almost 24 hours). I just wanted to make sure no one was "scared" to post here!
ReplyDeleteDealing with infertility has made me hate people with kids. Not people that want them and deserve them. But people who spread their legs to everyone they can and pop out 4-5. People that don't work and live off the government because they can.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why god allows these people along with child abusers, molesters and murderers to have children. But someone like me who wants nothing more than to be a mother struggles. It's just not fair.
People who judge others with thier so called "opinions", are no better than those they are judging. I am one of them. I judge easily, and am judged in return.
ReplyDeleteIf I don't get a passionate kiss soon I may scream!!!!
ReplyDeleteI am just as guilty of judging others and being overly analytical myself. It is what separates humans from animals! I've come to the conclusion that the blogging world serves a real purpose for many and an outlet for those separated from family and friends by either physical distance or other issues. I guess I just take offense with those who take advantage of the kindness of others, yet don't return the favor! There are many people who just need an ear and this is a good avenue for them, yet people, like myself, can read too much into it, too! We all (myself included) must remind ourselves of the old addage, "Judge not, lest thee be judged". It serves this purpose well and should be kept in mind when the temptation to criticize others strikes us!
ReplyDeleteI may be incapable of being that independent woman I thought I was. Being single and hiring contractors for storm repair and roof replacement sucks. I think I DO need a man....one with a contractor license would be preferable right now.
ReplyDeleteWhy am I seemingly the only one working to maintain friendships? I really am starting to think it just isn't worth it.
ReplyDeleteSo, I bought a bus to transport my kids, what kinda fool buys a bus? hmmm..... still wondering why my husband was cool with the idea of buying a freakin bus. hmmmmm....
I am seriously disgusted with my weight. I've thought about trying meth because I hear it makes you skinny. Stupid? Yes, of course. Dangerous and illegal? Sure. But I'm so desperate.