Wednesday, March 25, 2020



Trauma changes you. I mean it’s a fact I’ve always known. I mean isn’t it a fact everyone knows? But I’ve always thought of it as a big drama you know being abused as a kid, sexual abuse. Domestic abuse. I’ve never really stopped to consider that the small traumas in someone’s life can also change them. 

Do you always hear about the big traumas. But never about the small ones. It’s like if it’s not one of the big ones it doesn’t count. But it does count. Sometime the smallest traumas have the biggest impact. Because as kids when we are abused somehow we compartmentalize and we learn to deal with it. We put ourselves into survival mode. We don’t know we’re doing it but we do. as an adult we Kinda do the same thing. We think in our heads that somehow we should be able to just push past this event and go on with life. I mean that’s what people expect us to do. That’s when we put on our masks. To hide the traumas.  The little traumas.

People have a tendency to compare traumas. Whos trauma was worse than who’s. I don’t know why. I mean it’s not like you get a trophy for the worst trauma. People are different so How one person reacts to an event is not gonna be the same way another person reacts to the same event. 

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